suginami si residence
location :suginami Tokyo
main use : Residence
total floor area : 150m2
photo : D4m architect
Building cost : 15,500,000yen

photo by D4m architec office

@copyrite 2010 D4m architect office
All rights reserved. |

Section south to north
It is repair work to two families of the timbered house. The spiral staircase
was installed on the parents home the second floor the floor outside as
a response of the child home and the door was installed by two places.
The stairs originally became very limit sites too much and became the corkscrew
shape one in the plan because of a wide making though did not overwork.

2F LIVING room

Kitchen to Living room

It is assumed made of the stainless steel for durability and maintenance, and is an accent in the building. In showing the given hut union originally, and raising the ceiling, the extension has been born in the space. The structure material of rough [**] also does the paint in white, and it is taken originally without the sense of incompatibility.

2F HAll

entrance hall

entorance hall
The interior partially pasted and composed the wood seat with a white wall.
[Merihari] appears in the shade of the wood system joining and the change
arises. It is a space according to the partial use of the illuminator as
indirect light with depth or more.
設計タイプ 木造戸建改修
設計期間 2009.11〜2010.01
工事期間 2010.01〜2010.04
専有面積 150u
工事金額 ¥15,500,000 (照明器具・リビング収納等含む)
@copyrite 2010 D4m architect office
All rights reserved. |