「思索の中心をつくる」 イタリアの修道院には思索の中心として、回廊をもつ中庭が設置されていました。規則正しく列柱が並んだ回廊は、中庭と一体になり静謐さを感じることができ、その中にいることで自己との対話を自然に繰り返すことができました。この建物でもL字型に建物を配置することで、コーナー部分に中庭空間を作り出すことができ、それに面したロビー空間を全面ガラスとすることや、列柱を配置すること及びモノトーンの色調などで、静謐さを感じる空間としています。
"The center of the consideration is made." a courtyard with a corridor was installed in an Italian monastery as the center of the consideration. A corridor a colonnade equals regularly became united with a courtyard, and it was possible to feel peacefulness, and it was that I'm in it, and a dialogue with oneself could be repeated naturally. It's possible to be also to arrange a building in the large letter type at this building and produce courtyard space in a section part, and the thing which makes the lobby space facing that glass completely and the colonnade are made the space where peacefulness is felt by an arranged thing and the monotonous color tone. It's possible to plan for the communication at which one between the researcher got settled by a light up of the light from the bottom where you were embedded in floor surface and a symbol tree in a coat part by the landscape at evening to which a positive tilted, and it's planned as it'll be production to streets all together.
The volume of the building and the use repeated study with much pattern
more attentively to connect, and it was the most suitable shape. Of how
to take it in a courtyard and an opening, facilities are being something
vivid to handle it more. Such as using industrial goods just as it is while
also considering a cost balance about the material again, it's made space
of a hard impression little. An extraordinary impression is being given
by being also embedded in a floor about illumination again.